Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

By Edward Albee
Directed by Natasha Boyd

An Amateur Production by arrangement with Origin TM Theatrical, on behalf of Samuel French Ltd


2/3/17 to 12/3/17


8:00pm / 2:00pm matinee


On a warm Saturday night in the early autumn of the 1962, Nick, an opportunistic university professor and his wife are invited to an after-party by the University President’s daughter Martha and her husband George, a senior professor. As the drinks flow and inhibitions are lowered, what is supposed to be a pleasant nightcap quickly turns into something unexpected. As they talk about their pasts, a casual slip of the tongue reveals something tragic that has defined and shaped the older couple’s lives. Edward Albee’s work has captivated audiences for over 50 years on stage and film, and STAG is most happy to present this iconic play which will be their VDL entry for 2017.

Other Info

2017 VDL Entry


George – Brian Edmond
Martha – Julie Arnold
Nick – Liam Gillespie
Honey -Stephanie Tantau