By Elizabeth Addyman
Directed by Robert Harsley
Hal Leonard
By Elizabeth Addyman
Directed by Robert Harsley
Hal Leonard
27/2/14 to 9/3/14
8:00pm / 2:00pm matinee
The play opens with Ruth and Christopher Martyn getting ready to go out for the evening, he to an old reunion dinner and she to the pictures with a girlfriend. She does not return home and the police eventually come and tell Christopher they have found a murdered girl identified as Ruth. They have investigated her past about which Christopher was in complete ignorance. Apart from the shattering news of her death, he is very upset at what the police have told him about her. Therefore, when she turns up unharmed but obviously having gone through a distressing time, she is bewildered by Christopher’s changed attitude towards her. How she eventually explains the reason for her recent disappearance and how she regains Christopher’s love and trust, gives a wonderfully emotional climax to this taut and dramatic play.
This is the first production of STAG’s 60th Anniversary season. First produced by STAG in 1959 we are thrilled to be bringing The Secret Tent to a whole new audience.
The final Sunday matinee will be followed by champagne and nibbles.